Innovative Parking Solution Provider
The EPS Global Zrt. is present in several asian cities and in the European Union with it’s smart parking solutions, which are developed in our Development Center in Budapest. Our system provide a flexible and integrated solution for parking system operators from a single car park to the design of an entire city parking ecosystem, including it’s deployment and management. Our back-end software, which includes big data processing, not only collects and analyzes incoming parking data, but also acti
Parking Space Reserve System
Parking Space Reserve System
Pre bookable, bluetooth guided parking space guard
EPS Smart Parking System
Cloud-based parking software and mobile applicatio
Cloud-based parking software and mobile applicatio
Cloud-based, user-friendly software simultaneously manages street parking zones, closed parking lots, bookable-, and other special parking Spaces (for disabled people, taxis, vans, electric chargers, etc.) while provides the industry-standard datas for the operators, and can handle location identification as well. Furthermore, by analyzing this data package, it provides an opportunity to reduce the cost of parking services to improve the user experience and increase customer satisfaction by optimizing utili