Manufacturer of traffic weather monitoring systems
Around the world, professionals rely on stationary and/or mobile road weather information systems by Lufft, a trusted product brand of OTT HydroMet.
Our solutions are substantial for Ice and Road Weather Detection (RWIS), Traffic Control or Vehicle Management Systems (VMS), road maintenance depots, and operation managers to monitor road and railway conditions, friction, temperatures, visibility and more.
Our solutions are substantial for Ice and Road Weather Detection (RWIS), Traffic Control or Vehicle Management Systems (VMS), road maintenance depots, and operation managers to monitor road and railway conditions, friction, temperatures, visibility and more.
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Mobile road weather sensor
Mobile road weather sensor
Complementing the stationary monitoring network with dynamic mobile data is now possible with the help of MARWIS! The mobile sensor is capable of detecting water, ice and snow as well as friction besides many other parameters. It can be installed on different types of vehicles and delivers the data wirelessly through Bluetooth. Due to the open interface protocols, MARWIS can be easily integrated into existing winter maintenance monitoring networks.
Smart weather sensor
Smart weather sensor
WS600-UMB is a Lufft all-in-one weather measuring transducer including six sensors in one ventilated housing. It issues air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, type & quantity, air pressure, wind direction as well as wind speed. It belongs to the Lufft product family of professional all-in-one weather sensors.
Non invasive road weather sensor
Non invasive road weather sensor
NIRS31-UMB keeps an eye on the road surface by measuring wetness, ice, snow, or frost, water film heights, ice percentages in water and freezing temperatures as well as the weather related friction. Its electric isolation of the RS485 interface enables the integration into a network with other UMB sensors. As it's mounted several meters above the road it's quite easy to install. The firmware-updates are provided via UMB-technology.
IRS31Pro-UMB and ARS31Pro-UMB
Embedded road weather sensors
Embedded road weather sensors
For stationary measurements, the active ARS31Pro-UMB and the passive IRS31Pro-UMB road sensors are suitable. They are embedded into the road. The ARS31Pro detects freezing temperatures through a Peltier element independently from the de-icing material. Completed by the passive IRS31Pro measuring water layers, the salt concentration as well as two different depth temperatures, the sensors deliver reliable road weather information. In order to facilitate maintenance, the electronic part can be separated.
Lufft Visibility Sensors VS2k & VS20k
Visibility sensors based on 45° forward light scat
Visibility sensors based on 45° forward light scat
The VS2k / VS20k 45° forward light scatter visibility sensors measure the visual range in up to 2000m / 20,000 m and is ideal for traffic applications on motorways, highways, bridges or airports. A calibration device is available optionally. The VS2k / VS20k is configured via the free software UMB Config Tool.
ViewMondo - Road & Runway Management Software
ViewMondo, the flexible Lufft Road & Runway Manage
ViewMondo, the flexible Lufft Road & Runway Manage
Would you like to manage all weather-related information, whether stationary or mobile, with a visualization tool? Would you like to have optimal control of your winter service based on the current circumstances? Would you like your control center to receive all current data from the gritting vehicles in real time for true teamwork between internal and external staff?
ViewMondo, the Lufft Road & Runway Management Software can solve your issues! ViewMondo is provided as a cloud based service. It is a state
ViewMondo, the Lufft Road & Runway Management Software can solve your issues! ViewMondo is provided as a cloud based service. It is a state
Road Weather Information System Lite
The RWIS Lite is a combination of two all-in-one s
The RWIS Lite is a combination of two all-in-one s
The RWIS Lite is a turnkey solution that uses a combination of two all-in-one sensors from OTT HydroMet to collect a large array of data at a fraction of the cost. The combination includes a non-contact road surface sensor and a compact weather station. The optional versatile monitoring software ViewMondo rounds off this compact yet powerful package.
- Fill data gaps- Provide accurate, hyper-local data to supplement your road weather monitoring network for a fraction of the cost of a full-blown
- Fill data gaps- Provide accurate, hyper-local data to supplement your road weather monitoring network for a fraction of the cost of a full-blown